AFCO Direct and PayMyPremiums Join Catalyit as a Premium Solution Provider

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PayMyPremiums by AFCO

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Catalyit is excited to welcome AFCO Direct and its PayMyPremiums (PMP) technology as its newest Premium Solution Provider. AFCO Direct is a leading name in the insurance premium finance industry, recognized for its expanded technology solutions, expert team, and client focus.

AFCO Direct’s PMP is a digital premium billing, down-payment collection and financing solution. Its mobile-friendly platform makes it easy for insureds to pay premiums in full, or for AFCO Direct to collect down payments and finance their premiums. Insureds can make payments via credit/debit card or ACH, and can enroll in recurring monthly installments. Regardless of whether an insured pays in full or finances, agents receive gross premiums from AFCO Direct 100% of the time – no more chasing funds from multiple parties.

Key Features

  • User-friendly Interface: The PMP platform features a highly intuitive interface, making it easy for agents at all tech levels to navigate and utilize its features effectively.
  • Secure Transactions: Security is paramount, and AFCO Direct ensures that all transactions are conducted with the highest level of security, safeguarding both agent and client data.
  • Customizable Options: The platform offers customizable options to suit the specific needs of insurance agencies — no matter the size or specialty.
  • Dedicated Support: AFCO Direct provides robust customer support, ensuring that agents have access to assistance whenever and however they need — including through its PayMyPremiums resources page.

Why Choose PayMyPremiums?

  • Streamlined Payment Processes: AFCO Direct’s platform simplifies the payment process, enabling agents to manage financial transactions with greater ease and accuracy.
  • Enhanced Cash Flow Management: The solution offers tools that help agents improve their cash flow management, a critical aspect of running a successful agency.
  • Time-saving Features: With PMP’s 100% digital premium finance solution, insurance agencies can save valuable time and focus on core business activities — all without leaving their desktop!
  • Improved Client Satisfaction & Retention: Faster and more reliable payment processing leads to enhanced client satisfaction, helping agents build stronger, lasting relationships with their clients.

About Catalyit Solution Providers
Catalyit’s Solution Providers are leading insurance technology companies that help independent agents harness the potential of technology to optimize their agency systems and processes, and deliver exceptional service to their customers. Find out more about Catalyit’s Premium Solution Providers.

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