Improve Your Client Call Connections

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Are you having trouble reaching your client via phone? The days of landlines are almost over, as most people have replaced their old home landlines with mobile phones.

You may remember that Apple implemented a new iOS feature in 2019 called “silence unknown callers.” Android users also have the ability to “block calls from unidentified callers.” If your client uses a cell phone as their primary method of communication, that may be what’s preventing you from reaching them.

Here is what it looks like on my iPhone:

Fortunately, there are two steps you can follow to help overcome this feature and allow you to reach your clients by phone:

  • Create a name/number association. If you know your client has a mobile number, text them your contact card (with your picture) and ask them to add it to their phone contact list. When you do call, your name and picture will show on their phone. Make sure to include the phone number your phone system uses for outbound calls.
  • Get the client to reply to you via text message. This helps their phone understand that you are a trusted caller.

When you accomplish these two things, your calls will ring their cell phone, even if they have the setting turned on.

A more significant win is to send them a pre-call text message (such as “Hey, I have a question and will be calling you in a few minutes”) before you call so they know to expect the call and why you are calling.

With the increase in the amount of spam phone calls we are receiving, anything you can do to let your client know it’s you calling will increase the times you can connect with them.

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